Hit 4,000 Page Views today, Nov 11, 2010

I am amazed and thrilled that all of the readers out there have made this blog possible with there interest in my father, Frank Samperi.
My father was a very humble man but even he wished recognition. This blog gives back to him the recognition that he was a great poet in the eyes of the world.

Thank you all,



  1. Congratulations. This is a great thing you're doing, which I've only just discovered. We'll find a way to promote this through the Station Hill Press site and web connections. Frank's work remains deeply important to us. Let's work together.

    George Quasha

  2. Hi George,
    I just noticed your post. Thank you. I am grateful to Bob Arnold and Ron Sillman for promoting the blog. The copy of Letargo that was done by Station Hill Press is a beautiful book. I look forward to working with you as well.

  3. Hi George,
    Here is my email if you want to respond that way - samperinyc@gmail.com.
    Happy Thanksgiving.


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