June 28th Anniversary of Frank Samperi's passing

Frank Samperi would have been 81 today as we celebrate this great man who is still in everyone's thoughts and prayers.

As I continue to move forward bringing forth the un-published work to be published I am grateful for all the connections of other fellow poets from the past and from today.

From The Kingdom

separated from the world
no longer a part
of the vision
the body stirs to the image garden

where the solitary
flowers about him
looking up at the moon
leans against a tree

recalling the child
by the window
not neighborhood

the snow
the play
the street wide or narrow

more after state

In Loving Memory, 
Daughter of Frank Samperi, Claudia Samperi


  1. Dear Claudia,

    how particularly grateful I am to you for introducing Frank's work to me and to the contemporary world. Frank's moved me personally as poet and person. And through Frank I've also come to know his extraordinary daughter and her wonderful family.



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