A Remotis and Sappunta

A Remotis - 1979 - some of these poems first appeared in Origin. Querencia Books, Seattle.

curling about the trunk of a tree
by the fountain of a garden
a snake
ruby crested

perennials to perennials
whenever wherever
also of the order
of Ancients

reveal Eternity
and the negation
their egos

so many flakes of snow

dressed in their sunday best
several people spent an evening
in a cemetery on a hillside
gawking at names and dates

Synthesis compositio componere



Sappunta - first published in 2004 by William Cirocco, Hawkhaven Press, San Francisco, CA.

willow bird
willow tree
weeping bird
weeping tree
                  lake below
                  vale of tears

in the return
of filii Heber
the gathering
of the dust    is
the fullness

Dante stands upon
the last line of the Paradise
because the last line
is unitiva et concretiva.
-This proves that for
Dei notitia the way of
love in the Comedia e
Via Negativa.

He talked about Death
All his life
As if it was
The most self-effacing
Of events

But behind all the talk
Lay the event
The ultimate attention-

the city hurts
the ground
of the city

the harder
the city
the greater
the particulars
of the city

and unlimited
the numbers
of the city

the concrete
of the city
the mockery
of vis...concretiva
of Amor


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